Over the years I've learned the best weight loss strategies are the ones that stand the test of time. Also those that are adaptable to your everyday life. Currently I'm on the ketogenic weight-loss plan and I call this a plan because it's more of a lifestyle than a quick fix. What lead me here were bouts of severe intestinal cramping, heart issues, diabetes, and trying to conceive. I eventually became fed up and discouraged because I had no insurance, and could not afford another large medical bill. Also I was tired of feeling sick. After careful research and consideration I chose this program. I will admit I'm not a professional, and everyone approaches this weight-loss strategy a little differently.
The first two months of the program were all about trial and error. Although my weight-loss was slow I genuinely felt better. Within a month I had no more intestinal bleeding, my heart issues subsided, and my blood sugars were almost back to normal. What finally kick started my weight-loss was a great website called ruled.me. The website does provide a keto calculator and I would definitely suggest purchasing a body fast percentage device to get your most accurate macros. For those wondering: Macros are what percentage of fat, protein, and carbohydrates you consume a day. Furthermore how many calories you take in which is determined by your height, weight, body fat percentage, and activity level. Once I calculated my macros I discovered I was never starved or hungry and by the third week I had an abundance of energy.
I feel like a lot of people have the misconception "I get to eat all the fat and calories I want!" This is wrong and if you have that mindset I would suggest not going on this plan. I typically stay between 1200-1500 calories a day. I eat 113 grams of fat, 97 grams of protein, and always stay between 20-30 grams of carbs per day.
Any who that's all for now. I'll be posting my favorite tips and tricks for long term success in another post.
Hey there! I know it's been forever since I've posted but Matthew and I have been incredibly busy. Currently I'm working away for a pharmaceutical company and trying to take better care of myself. As for Matthew he moved onto a new company that offered a higher position with better pay and became an official ordained minister. Essentially we are preparing our mind, body, and spirits for the upcoming changes over the next year or two.
One area that I'm primarily focusing on is trying to conceive (TTC). As some of your know I do suffer from poly-cystic ovarian syndrome so that makes ttc a bit problematic. Although hopefully by sticking to a slow and steady weight loss program that will help lead to pregnancy along the way. My husband and I are also trying make sure our home is financially sound. Anytime we have a lot of changes or transitions coming our way we typically write down a list of goals to help keep us focused. Sometimes they can change or adapt depending on how God moves in our spirits but for the most part we try and stay on task. Unfortunately Matthew and I have so much we want to do and accomplish we get distracted from time to time so again we are back to the list:
1. Matthew is working on getting back to his masters in divinity.
2. Joining the Army Chaplain Corps.
3. Moving up in the company he is working for.
4. Start running again.
1. I'm trying to lose 20% of my current body weight.
2. Workout at least 3 to 4 days a week
3. work work work save save save (i know..but really)
4. Figure out how I want to finish my bachelors program (Lots of prayer there)
Together our main goals are to save money, stay grounded in God's Word, and continually work on our communication skills. I feel a lot of times Matthew and I are saying the same thing just in a different ways, so typically we get wires crossed in translation. Any who thank you for reading my blog I can't promise what I'll be posting and when due to the hustle and bustle of life but hopefully you will be seeing me more.